Before i begin let me first of all clarify what a burqa really is.Burqa is an enveloping outer garment worn by women in some Islamic traditions to cover their bodies in public places. The burqa is usually understood to be the woman's loose body-covering (Arabic: jilbāb ), plus the head-covering (Arabic: ḥijāb , taking the most usual meaning), plus the face-veil (Arabic: niqāb ). France has always been a liberal state. In 1905,france passed a bill prohibiting the state from recognising or funding any religion. A/c to it,"Schools directly operated by the national or local governments must not endorse or promote any religious dogmaSchools funded totally or in part by the national and local governments by law must not force students into religious education; they should remain equally accessible to children of any, or no, faith." . This was followed on 22 June 2009, when the president of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, said that burqas are "not welcome" in France, comme...