Before i begin let me first of all clarify what a burqa really is.Burqa is an enveloping outer garment worn by women in some Islamic traditions to cover their bodies in public places. The burqa is usually understood to be the woman's loose body-covering (Arabic: jilbāb), plus the head-covering (Arabic: ḥijāb, taking the most usual meaning), plus the face-veil (Arabic: niqāb).
France has always been a liberal state. In 1905,france passed a bill prohibiting the state from recognising or funding any religion. A/c to it,"Schools directly operated by the national or local governments must not endorse or promote any religious dogmaSchools funded totally or in part by the national and local governments by law must not force students into religious education; they should remain equally accessible to children of any, or no, faith."
This was followed on 22 June 2009, when the president of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, said that burqas are "not welcome" in France, commenting that "In our country, we cannot accept that women be prisoners behind a screen, cut off from all social life, deprived of all identity".The French National Assembly appointed 32 lawmakers from right- and left-wing parties to a six-month fact-finding mission to look at ways of restricting its use. On 26 January 2010, the commission reported that access to public services and public transport should be barred to those wearing the burqa. On Tuesday July 13, 2010 the Assembly overwhelmingly approved a bill banning burqas and niqabs.
The ban is officially called, 'the bill to forbid concealing one's face in public.' It refers neither to Islam nor to veils. Officials insist the law against face-covering is not discriminatory because it would apply to everyone, not just Muslims. Yet they cite a host of exceptions, including motorcycle helmets, or masks for health reasons, fencing, skiing or carnivals"
French Govt. argues that if people don't use any religious symbols ,they are less likely to face any discrimination or racial attacks.Because its not humanly possible on the part of Govt. to protect each and every minority.Prevention is always better than cure.
Recent studies have shown that  enveloping outer garments, such as the burqa, can cause or worsen medical conditions in some individuals.In particular, they contribute to a predisposition for hypovitaminosis D, which can lead to rickets or osteoporosis and may increase the risk of seizures in infants born to affected mothers.
And also recently Europe has become a soft target for terrorists ,so naturally french authorities don't want to take risks.

But this law has not gone well with the Muslim community.They interpret it as anti Islamic and racist.Some say it is gender bias.But its alright when Saudi Arabia and Iran force women to wear burqa.When a European lady goes their,is she allowed to wear her traditional dress?.It's fair for Saudi Arabian court to punish a women who had been a victim of rape with 40 lashes, instead of punishing the rapist.In another incident another women was given similar punishment for having extra martial affair,while the male partner let alone.I think if these incidents arent gender bias and oppression of women's rights ,then how come the french govt's decision a case of gender bias.
Islamic fundamentalists have even bombed schools in Pakistan where girl students did not use Burqas.They have issued fatwas asking  Kashmiri girls to wear Burqa while going to school.Due to our weak and inefficient govt. children are forced to wear Burqa.

I personally support the French Govt's decision to ban Burqa in public places.Most women dont wear it by choice,they are forced by their family and society.To me burqa is a symbol of  suppression of women's freedom and rights by men.If they say Burqa protects modesty and dignity of women,why do they not have any equivalents for men?
Or do they think men need not be dignified and modest?

I do believe every individual has a right to practise his or her religion, and a right to freedom of expression - as long as it doesn't go against the country's laws. And when your beliefs are in conflict with the laws of the land, you still have a choice - to leave ,as most of you are immigrants.

I salute Nicolas Sarkozy for taking such a bold step .I wish our leaders one day are bold enough to pass such laws and protect our people's freedom and right to live a life of dignity.


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