My last Story was about a boy,So i think it should be appropriate to write  about a girl, otherwise you  may accuse me of gender biasing.This story is a girl's narration.Before i start her narration i will briefly introduce her,She is a lovely girl with a beautiful and innocent smile that touches her eyes.A soothing and Lively voice.Charming yet down to earth.In short a combination of beauty and brains.
                  Lets start with the narration "We have been in relationship for last 5yrs.He was a senior in my office  ,So  had the oppurtunity to go abroad earlier than me.He has been there for the last 2 yrs.They say long distance relationships dont work,but it works perfectly if you have proper understanding and ready to make sacrifices.In our case we had to make lot of sacrifices to keep our relationship ticking .We have changed our sleeping schedules just to talk to each other,because we live in different time zones.But today something  unusual has happened.He hasn’t called me up since morning. It’s already been 11 a.m. Last night even though we talked for more than four hours, never did he bother to wish me a valentines day. We talked about everything - starting from his day in his office, the verbal fight with his boss to that creepy guy in my office who never misses an opportunity to talk to me. Everything. Because we share every bit of the day we spent, every evening. Just to catch up with the parts of our daily life that the other person missed. We have had our share of experiences in life and we both realized it the hard way that this sharing is much needed and is for the better. Yesterday, it was just another evening, for him. No matter how much I had planned for this, how beautifully I dreamt of this evening, it didn’t matter. It didn’t happen.

                     Of course he, as usual, would have got up early in the morning for his office and would have drowned himself inside binary world of objects and pointers by now. Or may be he would be sitting by that new girl “helping her with the codes”, a vision I hate to the core of my heart. He must have totally forgotten me. He must have forgotten that today it’s a Valentine’s Day. Or even that it’s the day that I said a “yes” to his proposal. All the guys are the same. These little things never matter to them. All that bothers them is what “profit” they are going to get from doing something. I even doubt if he really cares for me. Somehow it feels that the “yes” was all that mattered to him and as soon as he heard the confirmation, it all has grown up to be a big fat daily formality. I don’t even remember him saying a “I love you” without a “too” suffixed.

                   He never does anything first. I don’t even have hopes that he would wish me the Valentine’s Day first. I have received 15 sms’s and 5 calls since morning. My friends have wished me the day. He is not anymore going to be the first one to wish me. I doubt if at all he will be the first guy.This is what he does to me. All my dreams have gone for a toss, yet again. Just like it happened on the New Year’s Day. The reason being, he doesn’t believe in such celebrations. How can he be so insensitive and unromantic? When we were friends, he felt so warm and loving. And now, it’s so cold. All that bothers him is if any guy proposed me or even said something to me. I fear if I have made a mistake in falling for him. It’s been 1. Half of the day is over. And he won’t call me up.

             As soon as I enter the cafeteria with my friend, my phone rings up. I just hope that it’s him. Nope. It’s not him. It’s the office security. I wonder why would they call me.Well, there’s a package for delivery. I hope it’s from him. Nope, the security guard says, it’s that book by Herbert Schildt , I had asked him to order for me from Flipkart. I will pick it up after lunch.

After almost half an hour, I, carrying my depressed soul, go to the office security to receive the book. lo and behold!.. There he is.. There he is.. Standing by the security guard is the guy I have missed since the morning. The guy I love so much. The only person who is capable of melting my heart like butter running down on a toast. I just run to him. He hugs me.A touch that I have missed for so so so long. (I hope the security guard wasn’t watching us.) It’s been 3 months since I felt that way. 3 months since we met last. We stay far apart from each other. A thousand miles apart. And I can’t believe he came all the way this morning just to be with me.
He is there. Right in front of me. I would love to capture this moment someway only if my bewildered self would stop running right into his arms and allow me to take a picture or two with him (something that I really miss and rarely do I get a picture with him).

         Without being able to think anything straight, I ask him, “Would you take me home?” “Definitely” he says.Oh gosh!!.. I always wanted to run away from the office with him. And his reply was so assuring. His words always are. No wonder I totally fell for him.“Just wait here for a minute. I would rush in and get my purse.” I tell him.
As soon as I start walking into the office, he calls me from behind, saying “And by the way, Happy Valentine’s Day.”
I talked to myself, “Come on sweetheart. That’s absolutely unnecessary. I don’t bother if it’s the Valentines day. It’s just so mind-blowing awesome that you are here.”

                  One way to home, with lots and lots of detours just to linger the journey, I speak my thoughts aloud “You know, you’re such a sweetheart.”
“Of course, I am. Why else on earth would be with me in my car right now?”
“Love you.. By the way, you came this morning? How much did that cost you? It must have been a hefty air-fare. And you missed your office!!.. No wonder, you’re so careless. What was the necessity? You could’ve just wished me the day.. You didn’t have to fly all the way to here.. ”
“Cause you know I’d walk a thousand miles, if I could just see you.. tonight..”
And i felt in the background was my most favorite music :
                         "If I could fall into the skies,
                          Do you think time would pass us by?
                          'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles,
                          If I could just see you..


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